Perpetual Low Energy IoT

The complete solution for data collection
”Competitive together”
Project „Perpetual Low Energy IoT [PleIT]“, SMIS Code 128975

The purpose of the project

The project aims to research and develop a prototype of an IoT system that combines multiple innovative elements for the purpose of:

Reducing the costs of development and maintenance of IoT systems with sensors placed in isolated locations.

Increasing the distance of data collection from sensors

Aggregation of data into user-friendly formats

Process, transform and reinterpret 
your project data


Different from the traditional approach, the objective of the project is to transmit information of interest at a low cost, including from areas where access to the power grid is difficult or nonexistent, and in a non-proprietary manner, using practically any type of IoT sensor as long as it does not have too high energy consumption and can be adapted for connection to the equipment to be developed through the project.
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Advantages of the application

The advantages of the innovative PleIT application consist of low implementation/usage costs, exceptional versatility regardless of sensor placement location, increased scalability regardless of sensor type/brand used, as well as efficient and intuitive data processing and visualization in a cloud-based data center. These are just a few of the benefits of the project, which differentiate it from other existing systems at this time.

Benefits of implementation

The successful implementation of the project will allow Smart League SRL to deliver the following solutions to potential customers:
Low-power sensor kit for application development - integrates low-power sensors to cover various existing market needs.
Integrated solution for sensor data acquisition - includes low-power sensor kit, additional hardware and software, low-power communication network, and visualization of data transmitted by sensors.

Project „Perpetual Low Energy IoT [PleIT]“, SMIS Code 128975

Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Competitiveness Programme 2014-2020, slogan "Competitive together".

Beneficiary: Smart League S.R.L.

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