
The practical outcome of research and development is the developed product.

Development of a smart kit/device for data collection, monitoring, and utilization in various fields of activity. The usefulness of this intelligent device will be to collect, monitor, and utilize data in sectors such as the medical system, education, public administration, thus improving the lives of millions of people. Within the developed system, users can be notified of changes that occur in the system even when they are not interacting with the platform. The automation of a user's actions is achieved through a rule-based system. The product developed in the project can be used in an increasing number of fields, the most numerous being:
Energy and utility distribution (remote reading of meters)
Environmental monitoring (recording physical-chemical parameters of water, air, and soil)
Logistics - retail (tracking traceability of goods, containers, and pallets)
Physical infrastructure monitoring (buildings, pipeline networks, bridges)
Remote tracking and control of industrial machinery
In addition to these, there are constantly new developments in the Smart City area with applications in Building Management, traffic monitoring, public transport, Smart Parking, waste management, etc. The low cost ensured by the use of various technologies in the development of the proposed device in the project allows its integration into durable consumer goods for geolocation and diagnosis and telemaintenance operations.
Smart League S.R.L. will produce an intelligent device along with its software solution, delivered as a turnkey system.
Perpetual Low Energy IoT is a project that aims to offer an integrated IoT solution, consisting of a low-energy communication network that operates over long distances, off-grid power supply using alternative energy sources, and software solution that guarantees efficient and secure data transmission for processing, transforming, interpreting and displaying them according to the specific needs of each project.
- sensor aggregator
- low-power sensors that can operate for long periods (even 5-10 years) with the help of a compact battery
- unconventional power sources such as small-sized solar panels, integrated into the aggregator case or mounted separately
- specialized and secure data transmission network
- software solutions that can be adapted to each project (tailored to each monitored domain)
The project aims to research and develop a prototype of an IoT system that combines multiple innovative elements for the purpose of:
reduce the costs of building and maintaining IoT systems with sensors placed in isolated locations;
increase the distance for collecting data from sensors;
aggregate data in user-friendly formats.
In order to achieve these goals, the proposed system will be organized into several levels as follows:
Collection level - at this level, a data logger/aggregator module will be developed to collect data from sensors and capable of functioning relatively independently for very long periods of time (years), and transmitting data to the connection network (gateways) using Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) networks - low power consumption and over long distances.
Connection level - at this level, the transition from LPWA networks to WLAN Ethernet networks is made using gateway devices. At this level, data is received from the collection level and transmitted to the central network/data center.
Processing level - at this level, data is received from the connection equipment, aggregated, processed, and transformed for use in the purpose for which it was collected.
For a better understanding of the entire system, we give a specific example:
At the collection level, multiple devices with attached humidity sensors are placed. The devices are placed on small poles over an area of tens of kilometers in agricultural locations where access to electricity from the power grid is not available. The devices collect data from the sensors, similar to a classic datalogger, and transmit it over an LPWA network.

The device is powered by a solar panel and has a battery for storing electrical energy for periods when there is not enough light. The entire assembly at the location is very compact and non-invasive.

Several gateway devices are also placed, which have the role of collecting the data and transmitting it further over an Ethernet network. The collection devices are configured to transmit data at relatively rare intervals (e.g., once per day). The data is transmitted over the Ethernet network to the central data center where it is processed and stored.

Various types of analyses and predictions can be performed on the central server, generating decisions regarding irrigation to prevent the effects of drought, with savings in water consumption for periods when it is not necessary, thus making precision agriculture with reduced costs and complexity possible.
The fields of application are numerous, as the system is agnostic in terms of the sensors connected to the data collection equipment. For example, sensors can be used for:
- soil or leaf moisture, temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind speed, etc. for precision agriculture;
pH, conductivity, oxygen, depth, NH4, CI-, NO2-, NO3-, etc. for water management;
- noise, particles (PM), CO, CO2, O2, O3, SO2, etc. for smart cities;
- CO2, CO, O2, O3, NO, NO2, NH3, etc. for environmental monitoring.

The project specifically aims to research the data collection equipment and data processing level.
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