expected results

01. Funding application and related annexes
02. Project team establishment decision
03. Communication plan
04. Project implementation plan
05. Activity reports, notifications, additional acts
06. Progress reports, reimbursement / payment / prefinancing requests
07. Acquisition documentation, contracts
08. Project commencement announcement published/project completion announcement published
09. Information panel produced and displayed, 150 self-adhesive labels
10. 1 website updated with information about the project; 1 link to the website of the structural instruments in Romania, www.fonduri-ue.ro posted on the applicant's website. European Union logo, Romanian Government logo, and Structural Instruments in Romania logo posted on the website created through the project.
11. 1 promotion contract, advertising digital materials and elements, materials/articles published in specialized magazines, advertising events
12. 1 building purchased
13. Permits, authorizations, agreements obtained
14. Data center arranged
15. Theoretical models and technical solutions for the proposed functionalities, identification of component and subassembly suppliers
16. Functional module prototypes, interconnected system prototype tested, source code, documentation
17. Filing a patent application
18. Final financial audit report
19. Final technical audit report
„The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union or the Government of Romania.”
All rights reserved © Copyright Smart League S.R.L.
Pentru informații detaliate despre celelalte programe cofinantate de către Uniunea Europeană va invitam sa vizitați https://fonduri-ue.ro/
Pentru informații detaliata despre celelalte programe cofinantate de către Uniunea Europeană va invitam sa vizitați 