
Activity 0
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 5
Activity 6
Activity 7
Activity 8

Preparation of the necessary documentation for project preparation

Description of the activity 
This activity aimed to effectively prepare the funding application and business plan and was completed prior to submitting the funding application.

Project management

Sub-activity 1.1. Constituting the project management team and the project implementation team
The mobilization of the project team will take place in month 1 of the project implementation, during an initial meeting.

Sub-activity 1.2. The establishment of the project communication plan.
The communication plan will cover both internal communication among project team members - management and implementation, as well as external communication with various stakeholders - the funder, suppliers of goods and services, and the media, etc. The methods, means, and frequency of communication will be jointly established.

Sub-activity 1.3. The detailed planning of project implementation.
During this sub-activity, the ideas and requirements regarding the technical and methodological aspects of the project implementation will be harmonized.

Sub-activity 1.4. Monitoring and project control.
The mentioned activity aims to provide information to the project team members, so that they can identify and solve implementation problems and to evaluate the project's progress.

Sub-activity 1.5. Evaluation and reporting of final results
This activity will consist of periodically assessing the extent to which the objectives and expected results have been achieved using the resources provided in the project. It will involve:
Elaborating progress reports.
Elaborating reimbursement requests.

Organization of procurement procedures within the project

Sub-activity 2.1. Organizing procurement procedures.
The procurement documentation preparation activities related to the project will start from the first month of the project.

The procurements to be carried out within the funding contract will be conducted throughout the entire implementation period (month 1 to month 32). The procurements will be carried out in compliance with the legislation in force in the field of procurement, specifically Order 1284/2016 on the approval of the competitive procedure applicable to private applicants/beneficiaries for the award of contracts for the supply of goods, services or works financed from European funds.

Informing and Publicity.

Sub-activity 3.1. Publishing a press release announcing the start of the project and a press release announcing the completion of the project.
This activity will be carried out by the applicant and is mandatory.

Sub-activity 3.2. Delivery of materials necessary for project publicity
Within this sub-activity, the materials necessary for project publicity will be delivered. To inform the public that fixed assets have been purchased as part of a co-funded project by the European Union, stickers will be used.

Sub-activity 3.3. Creation and posting of an informative banner on the applicant's website
According to the legislation, a brief description of the project will be presented on the Applicant's website, which will include at least the following information: title, name of the beneficiary and partners (if any), purpose, specific objectives, results, start date, implementation period, total value (broken down into EU and national contributions).

Sub-activity 3.4. Promotion of the product developed through the project
Within this activity, presentations will be made regarding the project results and/or participation in events/conferences/promotion meetings. Additionally, various visual identity materials and digital advertising materials will be produced. The content of the materials will emphasize the message that needs to be conveyed - the dissemination of project results, ensuring its visibility and promotion, and will contain information regarding the activities, objectives, and results obtained.

Realization of general activities necessary for investments:

Sub-activity 4.1. Acquisition of building
The building will be purchased in the South Muntenia region, in the Giurgiu county, for the purpose of conducting research, development, innovation, and support activities by the applicant and partner in order to implement the project.

Sub-activity 4.2. Obtaining agreements, approvals, authorizations
In order to arrange the data center, obtaining agreements, approvals, and authorizations from the competent authorities will be considered, depending on the complexity of the work, location, local regulations, and other specific criteria.

Sub-activity 4.3. Arrangement of the data center, acquisition of equipment and licenses necessary for the data center
The data center is a location used to host communication systems: servers, telecommunications equipment, backup equipment, and data storage equipment (storage).

Industrial research activity

Sub-activity 5.1. Carrying out industrial research activity
Through this sub-activity, the types of control components needed to be part of an intelligent system for collecting, controlling, and utilizing data will be defined.
The ultimate goal of this activity is to prepare the documentation for the experimental development phases.

The industrial research activity will be organized into the following components:
Management of the industrial research stage
Analysis of electronically controlled solutions for data collection, control, and utilization
Design of a system that allows testing of functional modules
Analysis of data measurement solutions
Design of functional module components for prototyping

Experimental Development Activity

Sub-activity 6.1. Carrying out experimental development activity
Within this sub-activity, prototypes of the modules will be developed by integrating and developing the hardware and software components that were the subject of the industrial research stage.

The experimental development activity will be organized into the following components:
Management of the experimental development stage
Realization of the data collection component prototype kit
Planning tests and defining specific testing procedures for prototypes in the experimental development laboratory
Analysis of the possibility and relevance of various available solutions and technologies
Redesign and physical realization of mechanical components of prototypes.

Acquiring, validating, and protecting patents and other intangible assets

Sub-activity 7.1. Acquiring, validating, and protecting patents and other intangible assets
Within this activity, the steps will be taken to obtain a patent to protect the results obtained from the project.

Activity of technical and financial audit

Sub-activity 8.1. Conducting financial audit
The purpose of this sub-activity is to carry out a financial audit to verify the expenses declared by the applicant in the interim reimbursement requests, final payment requests, and their correct recording in the distinct analytical accounts of the project.

Sub-activity 8.2. Conducting technical audit
The purpose of this activity is to carry out a technical audit to: verify and evaluate technical compliance with the provisions of the funding order; verify and evaluate the functionalities in accordance with the specifications of the tender documentation for procurement procedures. The report will also include an analysis of identified risks and vulnerabilities, as well as recommendations for remediation or mitigation, if applicable.

 Activitatea 0. Elaborarea documentațiilor necesare pregătirii proiectului

Descrierea activității: Aceasta activitate a avut drept scop realizarea efectivă a activității de pregătire a cererii de finanțare și a planului de afaceri și a fost realizată înaintea depunerii cererii de finanțare.

Activitatea 1. Managementul de proiect

Sub-activity 1.1. Constituirea echipei de management și a echipei de implementare a proiectului
The mobilization of the project team will take place in month 1 of the project implementation, during an initial meeting.

Sub-activity 1.2. The establishment of the project communication plan.
The communication plan will cover both internal communication among project team members - management and implementation, as well as external communication with various stakeholders - the funder, suppliers of goods and services, and the media, etc. The methods, means, and frequency of communication will be jointly established.

Sub-activity 1.3. The detailed planning of project implementation.
During this sub-activity, the ideas and requirements regarding the technical and methodological aspects of the project implementation will be harmonized.

Sub-activity 1.4. Monitoring and project control.
The mentioned activity aims to provide information to the project team members, so that they can identify and solve implementation problems and to evaluate the project's progress.

Sub-activity 1.5. Evaluation and reporting of final results
This activity will consist of periodically assessing the extent to which the objectives and expected results have been achieved using the resources provided in the project. It will involve:
Elaborating progress reports.
Elaborating reimbursement requests.

Activitatea 3. Organizarea procedurilor de achiziție în cadrul proiectului

Sub-activity 2.1. Organizing procurement procedures.
The procurement documentation preparation activities related to the project will start from the first month of the project.

The procurements to be carried out within the funding contract will be conducted throughout the entire implementation period (month 1 to month 32). The procurements will be carried out in compliance with the legislation in force in the field of procurement, specifically Order 1284/2016 on the approval of the competitive procedure applicable to private applicants/beneficiaries for the award of contracts for the supply of goods, services or works financed from European funds.

Activitatea 4. Realizare activități generale necesare pentru investiții

Sub-activity 4.1. Acquisition of building
The building will be purchased in the South Muntenia region, in the Giurgiu county, for the purpose of conducting research, development, innovation, and support activities by the applicant and partner in order to implement the project.

Sub-activity 4.2. Obtaining agreements, approvals, authorizations
In order to arrange the data center, obtaining agreements, approvals, and authorizations from the competent authorities will be considered, depending on the complexity of the work, location, local regulations, and other specific criteria.

Sub-activity 4.3. Arrangement of the data center, acquisition of equipment and licenses necessary for the data center
The data center is a location used to host communication systems: servers, telecommunications equipment, backup equipment, and data storage equipment (storage).

Activitatea 5. Activitatea de cercetare industrială

Sub-activity 5.1. Carrying out industrial research activity
Through this sub-activity, the types of control components needed to be part of an intelligent system for collecting, controlling, and utilizing data will be defined.
The ultimate goal of this activity is to prepare the documentation for the experimental development phases.

The industrial research activity will be organized into the following components:
Management of the industrial research stage
Analysis of electronically controlled solutions for data collection, control, and utilization
Design of a system that allows testing of functional modules
Analysis of data measurement solutions
Design of functional module components for prototyping

Activitatea 6. Activitatea de dezvoltare experimentală

Sub-activity 6.1. Carrying out experimental development activity
Within this sub-activity, prototypes of the modules will be developed by integrating and developing the hardware and software components that were the subject of the industrial research stage.

The experimental development activity will be organized into the following components:
Management of the experimental development stage
Realization of the data collection component prototype kit
Planning tests and defining specific testing procedures for prototypes in the experimental development laboratory
Analysis of the possibility and relevance of various available solutions and technologies
Redesign and physical realization of mechanical components of prototypes.

Activitatea 7. Obținerea, validarea si protejarea brevetelor și altor active necorporale

Sub-activity 7.1. Acquiring, validating, and protecting patents and other intangible assets
Within this activity, the steps will be taken to obtain a patent to protect the results obtained from the project.

Activitatea 8. Activitatea de audit tehnic și financiar

Sub activitatea 8.1. Realizarea de audit financiar
Scopul acestei sub activități îl reprezintă realizarea auditului financiar pentru verificarea cheltuielilor declarate de solicitant în cererile de rambursare intermediare, finală, cererile de plată, respectiv a înregistrării corecte a acestora în conturile analitice distincte ale proiectului.

Sub activitatea 8.2. Realizarea de audit tehnic
The purpose of this activity is to carry out a technical audit to: verify and evaluate technical compliance with the provisions of the funding order; verify and evaluate the functionalities in accordance with the specifications of the tender documentation for procurement procedures. The report will also include an analysis of identified risks and vulnerabilities, as well as recommendations for remediation or mitigation, if applicable.
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