
Smart League SRL implements project PleIT - Perpetual Low Energy IoT, in the period of 19.03.2020 - 19.11.2022, code SMIS 2014+ 128975, according to financing contract no. 16/221_ap2/19.03.2021.

The implementation of the project will lead to an increase in the research and development capacity of Smart League S.R.L. in order to research and develop an integrated solution that combines a series of innovations regarding the use of low-energy communication networks over long distances and alternative power sources to obtain energy-independent and maintenance-efficient systems, with applicability in various business domains such as agriculture, environment, smart cities, utilities, logistics, production, etc.

The project will contribute to the intensification of research, development and innovation activities within the company, by carrying out activities aimed at achieving an integrated IoT solution, consisting of a network of IoT-specific unlicensed band communications, specific software for the IoT environment, which guarantees efficient and secure transmission of data, as well as a solution for transforming, interpreting and displaying transmitted data according to the specifics of each project.

Thus, the implementation of the project will lead to the development and modernization of the company's activities by commercializing the new product and supporting a service that will be realized with innovative products.

At the end of the project, one innovative ICT product/service/application will be developed (achievement indicator).
The total eligible value of the project is 15.120.124,91 lei, of which the eligible non-reimbursable value from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is 9.768.807,68 lei and the eligible non-reimbursable value from the national budget is 1.723.907,23 lei.

The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Competitiveness Program 2014-2020, Priority Axis 2 "Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for a competitive digital economy", Investment Priority 2b - Developing ICT products and services, e-commerce and ICT demand, Operation "Supporting the increase of added value generated by the ICT sector and innovation in the field through the development of clusters", Action 2.2.1 "Supporting the increase of added value generated by the ICT sector and innovation in the field through the development of clusters"

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