Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of the project is to provide key solutions for various fields of interest, whose performance could be significantly improved through the collection of relevant data from the field using specialized but non-proprietary sensors that can be placed even in areas without access to electrical networks, GSM or wired internet coverage. The collected data will be transmitted securely, quickly, and cost-effectively to a system that will interpret them and deliver relevant information based on the specifics of each application.

The objective of the project is to research and develop an integrated solution that combines a series of innovations regarding the use of low-energy communication networks over long distances and alternative power sources to obtain energy-independent and maintenance-efficient systems, with applicability in various business domains such as agriculture, environment, smart cities, utilities, logistics, production, etc. The project aims, in particular, to research the data collection equipment and data processing level.

To achieve this overall objective, the following specific objectives will be pursued:

Specific Objective 1

Increase the research and innovation capacity of the applicant in the field of ICT through research activities aimed at investigating techniques for designing and integrating IoT systems that combine low-energy communication networks over long distances and alternative energy sources to obtain energy-independent and maintenance-efficient systems.

Specific Objective 2

Develop, through experimental development activities, a functional prototype for an IoT system that is energy-independent and maintenance-efficient by combining low-energy communication network technologies and alternative energy sources.

Specific Objective 3

Achieve the project indicators established in the funding application.

Specific Objective 4

Increase the visibility of the society and the product developed within the project by promoting and advertising the project and the product, as well as by publishing scientific articles in specialized journals.
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